Today has been the most lovely, lazy day. It's the kind of day that is what I thought my life would be like when I was a kid. Except I was awakened by the sound of my dog throwing up (on my couch!). Only he wasn't really vomiting; it was just a dog hair phlegm ball. So after that got sorted out - The dog and I went out for a walk in my cute little neighborhood and we waved and chatted with folks. Back inside, doggy got his breakfast, I read two books while listening to
this . Which is absolutley amazing.
I made a delicious lunch (scrambled eggs with cayenne and goat cheese - yum!) which I ate while playing with my Mac on my couch. Then the bullmastiff and I ran around in the backyard until I collapsed on the hammock where I fell asleep in the sunshine while the bullmastiff sniffed every single blade of grass in the yard.
Now we're hanging out in my apartment with the setting sunshine and the windows are open with a little smell of spring. There is nothing I have to do and no where I have to be.