Thursday, November 22, 2007

thanksgiving destruction

The bullmastiff continues to wage his war on pillows:

Bad dog.

I think he felt a little remorse:


Sunday, November 18, 2007

wish I could've been there

I've been rereading parts of one of my most inspiring books The Design of Modern Design which is all about one of my favorite people George Nelson.

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Anyway, I've also been reading some stuff by Buckminster Fuller and the two came together in this awesome story:

George Nelson recalls the iconic design of the Ball Clock as being a result of a night of drinking with friends and associates, Isamu Noguchi, Bucky Fuller, and Irving Harper.

“And there was one night when the ball clock got developed, which was one of the really funny evenings. Noguchi came by, and Bucky Fuller came by. I’d been seeing a lot of Bucky those days, and here was Irving and here was I, and Noguchi, who can’t keep his hands off anything, you know- it is a marvelous, itchy thing he’s got- he saw we were working on clocks and he started making doodles. Then Bucky sort of brushed Isamu aside. He said, “This is a good way to do a clock,” and he made some utterly absurd thing. Everybody was taking a crack at this,…pushing each other aside and making scribbles.

At some point we left- we were suddenly all tired, and we’d had a little bit too much to drink- and the next morning I came back, and here was this roll (of drafting paper), and Irving and I looked at it, and somewhere in this roll there was a ball clock. I don’t know to this day who cooked it up. I know it wasn’t me. It might have been Irving, but he didn’t think so…(we) both guessed that Isamu had probably done it because (he) has a genius for doing two stupid things and making something extraordinary…out of the combination….(or) it could have been an additive thing, but, anyway, we never knew.”

George Nelson: The Design of Modern Design; p.111

I love the idea of George, Bucky, Irving, and Isamu all drinking and smoking and creating.

Monday, November 12, 2007

maybe turning into a book blog

So the only things I really feel like writing about now are the books I'm reading. Nothing wrong with that. Besides, I'm reading some amazing books. The one I just finished is Overlook:Exploring the Internal Fringes of America.
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I picked it up at random and was immediately captivated by its oddness. Let's see... Ohio, scale models of cities, lots of talk about nuclear testing grounds, and (one of my little obsessions) towns that were intentionally flooded for water basin purposes. Oh, and there's even a mention of one of my other minor obessions - the Amargosa Opera House. Which will lead me to mention this documentary about Amargosa's Marta Beckett:
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See, not just a book blog.