Friday, August 15, 2008

sweetest goofiest thing ever

This just makes me smile and smile. It's fun and he's laughing (although at times looking a tad bit uncomfortable). As much as I love Bright Eyes (and god knows how much that is) I'm kinda getting infatuated with the Mystic Valley Band.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

travels + treasure

Yesterday my sweet boy and I meandered around rural Georgia. We saw swimming cows, and cute little towns, and pretty fences, and lots of farms.
I developed a sudden desire to buy a 1951 Chevrolet pickup truck.

It's so pretty! That's, like, my favorite color ever.

It's $12,000 and can be found in Madison, Georgia, for anyone interested.

I also found the most loved-looking house, with the most beautiful grass walkway ever. No concrete, no brick, just grass! Grass!

Don't you just want to play croquet??

Oh, and we found treasure:
Cute little chick plates!


Found at the craziest store in Covington, Georgia.

my puppy

I haven't posted about my old man recently. Probably because he hasn't destroyed anything. He has rediscovered the joy of digging, as you can tell by the red dirt
caked on his snout.

He helps me type.

I love my sweet old dog.

they match my suitcase

My sweet boy gave me these lovely earrings. And all I could think was, I can't to wear them with my new suitcase.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

bags, part two

So this could have also been titled "Score at the Junk Store" because I totally did. But back-to-back bag posts required a two parter.
And bag number two also requires a little preface. I only own one suitcase. And it is huge. And heavy. Which is necessary for, perhaps, a two week trip to Australia. But it's kind of embarrassing to head out on a two day trip with the biggest suitcase in the world. So I've been on the lookout for a smaller valise.


More detail:

Red leather (although it looks hot pink here) vintage suitcase in pretty, pretty condition for two bucks. And who knows the travels it has been on? Now I just need to find somewhere to go. Oh! I know! I'm going here soon:

Bright eyes and red suitcases. Happiness.

bags, part one

I love this little green thing:

And no more flimsy ugly plastic bags.