Saturday, August 2, 2008

bags, part two

So this could have also been titled "Score at the Junk Store" because I totally did. But back-to-back bag posts required a two parter.
And bag number two also requires a little preface. I only own one suitcase. And it is huge. And heavy. Which is necessary for, perhaps, a two week trip to Australia. But it's kind of embarrassing to head out on a two day trip with the biggest suitcase in the world. So I've been on the lookout for a smaller valise.


More detail:

Red leather (although it looks hot pink here) vintage suitcase in pretty, pretty condition for two bucks. And who knows the travels it has been on? Now I just need to find somewhere to go. Oh! I know! I'm going here soon:

Bright eyes and red suitcases. Happiness.

1 comment:

ghost girl said...

yeah that suitcase is beeeyootiful.
you are lucky. all the ones i ever find are brown and stinky.