Monday, June 30, 2008

lone star state

I've been thinking quite a bit about Texas recently. Oh who am I kidding - I can leave off the "recently". It seems Texas is never far from my thoughts. Kinda funny, for a state that I left in 2000 and haven't returned to since. I've been away for eight years. That's the same number of years that I lived in the Lone Star state. Eight years in which I grew up, screwed up, lost myself, found myself. All in that great wide expanse of space called Texas.

I still get homesick whenever I drink a Shiner Bock, get a scent of sagebrush, or dream about the prairie. I can't wait to go back one day. The last time I saw Texas was the Dallas skyline through tears.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hmmm texas. i miss it too. bluebonnets. we should take a trip. i had all the landmarkd on i20 memorized.
oh its me, i forgot my password again.